Thursday 10 April 2014

Evaluation Question Seven

Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

mise en scene and camera work:

Looking back at the prelim cover that i produced i can see a massive improvement, in terms of photos and layouts. It was noticeable the improvement of my photos as they are clearer and the poses are better, this was due to the improvement of my organisational skill of preparing the lighting and looking at other covers for poses. I didn't do this for my preliminary task. For the background i wanted it to be plain, this way the main focus would only be the model i have used. 
The knowledge of my camera work has improved alot as i got to experiment with lighting and different modes in the camera. This will also help me take photos on my camera at home and a skill i can take on later. 


The first time i took photos i took my time into looking into the clothes that my audience would be interested in. In my preliminary task the shirt my model wore was striking, yet took the focus away from the actual artist its self. So when it came to taking the actual photos i knew the model had to wear a plainer outfit, but yet one that was still in the chosen genre. The photographs turned out better as the focus was more on the artist and not the model. I also chose to do this as there is a fashion section in my magazine that meant that would be a focus more on the artists extravagant leading edge fashion. 

Text arrangement and editing: 

I feel that the arrangement of my final product has improved greatly since my prelim as i have took more time into creating the final product and learnt more skills. Also i had conducted more research of magazines already out there and knew what worked more. When it came to doing my preliminary task i only used one font on the front of my magazine, this makes it look uninteresting. However the use of colours does help catch your eye. On the other hand on my final product it uses two fonts that makes the cover striking and would stand out on a shelf. By looking at Q magazine i got a idea of what already worked and what i could change. 

The title of the magazine changed as my feedback indicated that the title wouldnt work for my chosen genre, therefore i chose octave which was unique and linked to music. The prelim and final product used the same font, however they are of different color, this is because Red is more striking and eye catching, i know this as Q magazine use a red box. 

When it came to creating tag lines for my magazine, i reevaluated the prelim magazine. The prelim magazine didnt give much information about what was inside, this meant people wouldnt be interested as they dont know what is inside. Also by using different fonts this made the cover more interesting for the reader. The use of three colours on my magazine cover made it more striking and interesting too,whereas on my cover i only used two. 

Looking back at my prelim magazine contents i can see alot of improvements. my prelim contents is boring and plain. where as my final product is more exciting as it uses different colours and a layout that i know already works. The colours on my prelim contents match the colours on the front, this is also used on my final magazine too. The main difference between the two is the use of double page for my prelim, i chose not to do this on my final product as the text would look too spaced out and therefore creating a boring contents page. The final magazine contents looks full of pages and things to read which will keep the reader interested.  

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