Thursday 27 March 2014

Draft Evaluation plan- Q2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Comparing Naomi Edmonds (Left) to Hannah Reid from London Grammar

 My cover artist is shown through a close up on my magazine cover, Her hands are over her ears as this links into music and hearing. This pose was taken from an edition of Q magazine with Robbie on the front. The pose shows a silly , friendly side to my artist. These two characteristics are what i wanted to achieve from my artist. The indie genre are very conscious of their fashion sense, so by taking an outfit already worn by an indie artist this would be safe. I looked at pictures of Hannah Reid on Google and found the picture (Right) and liked the style of the leather jacket. I found out that my model/ artist had a similar one so i styled her in that. By using Hannah Reid as inspiration this meant i aimed the magazine at a younger teenage audience (16-20 year old) and could be both male and female as she is in a band with two males. 

 The artist I am comparing my artist too is also female, and in a band with two other males as opposed to being an individual artist. Both artists are lead singers in their bands. Even though I have used a female this does not mean i am aiming my magazine at just a female audience. By using a female artist this could also use the technique of a male gaze, and also as the artist is in a band with two other males creates an audience of both female and male. 

 Through my research of the artist, i have styled my costume around what they would wear. I have then combined this with my chosen photographer, Terry Richardson, and felt this has worked well into creating a professional shot. I selected a range of close ups, mid shots and long shots on a plain background similar to Terry Richardson. This helps the reader focus just on the artist and not the background of the magazine cover. 

1 comment:

  1. Chloe-very good detail in the two posts here, well done BUT questions 3,4,5,6,7 are missing.
    Q1 Don't forget to comment on contents and DPS
    Q2 Very good

    Level 2 as pieces missing
