Thursday 13 February 2014

Feedback- First Draft

Feedback- Personal 


  • I think my cover uses a simplistic and minimalistic effect, but yet still draws in an audience. The bright block of colour advertises the band and draws the readers attention to it. 
  • Colours work. 


  • I need to consider an article instead of Q+A as i feel more confident doing this. 
  • My contents image needs to be moved around or resized. I should also consider another photo.
  • I need to include page numbers.

Feedback- Mrs Abrahamson 


  • Cover uses good symmetry 
  • Colours work 
  • Model is well chosen and styled well.    


  • Article length is too short
  • Page numbers- look at style models.
  • Photos-playaround with different poses and sizes
  • Round of article better e.g twitter feed
  • Contents- look at using a different photo or resize
  • DPS- loose the amount of exclamation marks use. Perhaps look at doing an article instead of Q+A as you said. 
  • What is the release date? Tour dates? Twitter feed etc. 


Feedback- Mr Ford


  • A decent house style( with the beginnings of a good idea)


  • You need better images of your artist
  • look at real mags for help. I'll give you some help too.

Top Level 1
Low Level 2 

Feedback- Survey Monkey 


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