Thursday 27 February 2014

Expanding on the feedback

After the feedback I received, one of the comments was "maybe change the name" of the magazine. I have chose to go ahead with this idea. When doing research on possible names I came across a YaHoo answer that I quite liked.

MBS is really catchy and stands out, This takes inspiration from NME.

Another name that i also like is Octave meaning a series of eight notes occupying the interval between ( and including) two notes, one having twice of half the frequency of vibration of the other.

As a final decision i have chose to use Octave as my final magazine name. This is because it is unique and not using another magazines idea.

Another comment i was recieved "image needs work- facing forwards would be better" After doing some research i found magazines that used Lana Del Rey body position to the side. 

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