Thursday 27 February 2014

Drafts after the feedback

Expanding on the feedback

After the feedback I received, one of the comments was "maybe change the name" of the magazine. I have chose to go ahead with this idea. When doing research on possible names I came across a YaHoo answer that I quite liked.

MBS is really catchy and stands out, This takes inspiration from NME.

Another name that i also like is Octave meaning a series of eight notes occupying the interval between ( and including) two notes, one having twice of half the frequency of vibration of the other.

As a final decision i have chose to use Octave as my final magazine name. This is because it is unique and not using another magazines idea.

Another comment i was recieved "image needs work- facing forwards would be better" After doing some research i found magazines that used Lana Del Rey body position to the side. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Feedback- First Draft

Feedback- Personal 


  • I think my cover uses a simplistic and minimalistic effect, but yet still draws in an audience. The bright block of colour advertises the band and draws the readers attention to it. 
  • Colours work. 


  • I need to consider an article instead of Q+A as i feel more confident doing this. 
  • My contents image needs to be moved around or resized. I should also consider another photo.
  • I need to include page numbers.

Feedback- Mrs Abrahamson 


  • Cover uses good symmetry 
  • Colours work 
  • Model is well chosen and styled well.    


  • Article length is too short
  • Page numbers- look at style models.
  • Photos-playaround with different poses and sizes
  • Round of article better e.g twitter feed
  • Contents- look at using a different photo or resize
  • DPS- loose the amount of exclamation marks use. Perhaps look at doing an article instead of Q+A as you said. 
  • What is the release date? Tour dates? Twitter feed etc. 


Feedback- Mr Ford


  • A decent house style( with the beginnings of a good idea)


  • You need better images of your artist
  • look at real mags for help. I'll give you some help too.

Top Level 1
Low Level 2 

Feedback- Survey Monkey 


Wednesday 12 February 2014

First draft feedback survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.


 22 year old Zoella has been fashion blogging since 2009 and is now one of the premiere haulers on the web with over 29 million views on her videos. She makes disclaimers to let you know that "This is no way bragging", does primark hauls with her mum, says phrases like "barginainous' and purrs over 'Cath Kidston rip-offs".


Zoella has been fashion blogging and hauling since 2009. She does primark hauls with her mum and loves Cath Kidston rip-offs. 



Thursday 6 February 2014

Magazine Cover Inspiration

Once i had created the mood board of magazine covers, i felt i wasn't inspired enough, so i continued to look for magazine covers that inspired me. I then found the magazine Loud and Quiet. I found the layout of the cover really interesting and different. I came to a conclusion i wanted to mimic the style of this magazine but in my own way, as it is simple yet effective. This magazine suits my Indie genre.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Test Shots

After doing my test shoot, i chose the photos that i liked the most! These were them, After doing my research on photographers i liked, i wanted to achieve a similar technique that Terry Richardson has demonstrated! In order for me to achieve this i must edit my photos to a higher exposure and brightness!